Script reading I will help you heal your mind and your life
Spiritual guide Rod Chelberg in pink shirt

Rod Chelberg, Spiritual Guide

As a God-based spiritual guide, I totally trust Infinite Wisdom to provide me with guidance to empower you to heal your self, restore your life, and discover your gifts.

Image of dove as symbol of spiritual guidance from Rod Chelberg

Live your life to the fullest and be free of your beliefs in limitations. The power lies within you.

Media inquiries for Dr. Rod Chelberg

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Spiritual Guidance, Mentorship, Teaching

It is my goal to empower you to learn to connect by yourself to the divine within your heart. Once connected, Divine love will flow from your heart into your life and you will start to experience miracles.

When you come to me for help, with patience, compassion, and empathy, I listen to you and your concerns. I help you to change your limited false human beliefs about your problems and realign your mind with the loving thoughts of God. As we explore your concerns together, I guide you into new ways of thinking and dealing with these problems. This is reharmonizing or realigning your thoughts with the Divine. I want to help facilitate your well-being and peace. It is my goal to teach you to learn to connect by yourself to the divine within your heart or The Kingdom within.

With my guidance, I also help you to remove your blocks to Love's presence such as fear, judgments and grievances. I help you learn to forgive and free yourself of these past upsets. To the degree of your receptivity and your willingness to practice changing your thoughts, healing can occur on many different levels; physically, mentally, and spiritually. Since everyone has unique challenges, everyone will have a unique healing experience. Everyone’s journey can be straightened out by love. I will mentor you through this process.

These are my goals for you. You can learn to work with mighty companions. You can learn to walk in peace. You can learn that you have the power within you to change your life and not be a victim of it anymore.


Dr. Rod was extremely compassionate about my issue, breaking it down with science, intuition, and meditation.

My mind is clear and I feel I am making progress again on the spiritual path.
I call Dr Rod a catalyst.

Sit down with Rodney and discover the element of trust within you. He helps you with a leap of faith and this will bless the life you are living.

It generally takes quite a bit to impress me. Dr. Rod has taken me to the limit. What a wonderful Son of God.

My spiritual heart has burst open since our session. I am feeling so much love for everyone. I see the beauty in everyone, even strangers at the grocery store. It makes me want to cry.

My spiritual word has burst open since our session. I am feeling so much love for everyone. I see the beauty in everyone, even strangers at the grocery store. It makes me want to cry.

The Role of a Spiritual Guide

Our body’s natural state is one of health. When we are exposed to prolonged stress—whether it is emotional, physical, or mental—this manifests in our body or life as dis-ease.

We have been taught by society to believe that we are powerless victims, and it is only through some outside agency such as medicine that we can find help and relief for a cure. We are never taught that we have the power to cure ourselves of any illness or upset in our lives.

As we start the healing process, we are sometimes met with a great deal of confusion within ourselves. Is it possible to cure cancer, financial problems, or other issues with our minds? The answer is YES. I have experienced several examples from my own personal life that healing is possible no matter what the illness is. I changed my beliefs and realized the illness/problem has no power over me. I am free to change my mind and to allow healing to take place.

We have power over the illness!

In addition to changing my beliefs, I turned within myself and asked for Divine help and guidance. By reconnecting to God, the Source of life, and removing my fear-based blocks to Love’s presence, healing has always occurred. It manifests as peace in my life.

I of myself have never cured or solved anyone’s problem. (I can of mine own self do nothing, John 5:30 KJV). God’s Love does the healing. I help by listening to your concerns, assisting you in removing your blocks to Love’s presence, and then channeling Divine light into your mind and body. As you learn to accept this process, and open your mind, God’s grace and healing power will do the work for you.

Spiritual Mentorship and Your Healing Process

Many people expect a single session of “one and done” healing or cure. Although this does happen, it is infrequent. This is because resistance and fear can hold one back. We are afraid of change. We must work together. Your willingness is an essential part of your healing process.

As you accept your responsibility to surrender and open your consciousness, Divine love can flow into your life to manifest as well-being and peace. I can guide and mentor you in this process with the ultimate goal of enabling you to have such a deep relationship with Infinite Wisdom that you can move forward on your own.

We will cross this bridge together and
remember we are one with the Divine I AM.