Joel Notes

Joel S. Goldsmith

Joel S. Goldsmith (1892 – 1964) was born in New York City. Joel’s father was in the garment industry and while traveling in London in 1915, he became critically ill. Joel met a Christian science practitioner at that time and with that practitioner’s help, his father was healed. Joel had many early spiritual experiences where people started coming to him for healing. This combination of events led him to start studying Christian Science. After 16 years with the church, he set up his own office in downtown Boston.

In 1947, he wrote “The Infinite Way”. After the book was published, Joel traveled around the world as a teacher and a spiritual healer. With the help of his secretary Lorraine Sinkler and his sister Valborg, he eventually published approximately 50 books which were based on his lectures.

Joel insisted that there be no formal organized religion, ritual, dogma related to his work. His messages were not organized in any particular manner nor the advertise. People were naturally attracted to them.

I have been writing snippets from Joel’s books that I call Joel Daily Reflections. With the help of Dr. Dorothea Cist, we write an inspirational message every day. These are free. Merely click on the link, add your name and email address and you will start to receive them.

Start writing here

  • 03/12/2021


    A Contemplative Life

    Page 122, Chapter 8, The Detachment of The Beholder

    When we are no longer afraid of anything in the external world, then we automatically arrive at a state of consciousness that no longer concerns itself with the good appearances or fears the evil appearances but looks out at them with a sense of detachment as an onlooker or a beholder, with no interest in changing, improving, or destroying them, with just the attitude of beholder.

    In this attitude of beholder, our personal mental powers come to a stop… we become completely the beholder, watching nature at work, watching God at work… As a beholder, we are always in the absolute center of our own being; …


    The Mystical I

    Page 59, Chapter 6, Impersonalizing God

    To have any awareness of God means that you have already broken through the area of mind and have been lifted into the higher consciousness. Whatever you may know about God, you know through your spiritual awareness, through your developed spiritual discernment, through the Soul – facilities.

  • 02/10/2021


    Realization of Oneness​

    Page 11, Chapter 1, Abide in the Conscious Realization of Omnipresence

    The very act of not recognizing omnipresence sets up a sense of separation. The very act of entertaining mentally a desire for something sets up a separation from it. Nothing can take place in your experience except as an act of consciousness. Therefore, it is you who must daily have a period of meditation in which you can even take such an extreme stand as to ask God to forgive you for the prayers of petition you have uttered in your life and for the things you have expected of God, ask God to forgive you for the disappointments and frustrations you have permitted yourself to feel by believing that God has not given you what was rightfully yours.

    Free yourself and free God. Then open your consciousness to the realization, “Where God is, I am. All that the Father has is mine, and this is universally true”


    The Infinite Way

    Page 91, Chapter 10 – Wisdoms

    The reason all desire is sin is that desire is based on the concept of a giving or withholding God. Also, desire is based on the acceptance of something or someone or some place other than God.