When God Calls, Say "Yes!"
When God Calls, Say "Yes!"
Book Written By Rod Chelberg
I wanted to let you know that I have just published my first book, When God Calls, Say “Yes!"
It is my personal journey over the past 20 years of awakening to the fact that God and I are One. First, I describe some of my emergency room mystical experiences, when Christ helped guide me in the care of clients. Based on my later hospice experience, I discuss the unreality of death and dying in detail, citing multiple patient cases in which Christ provided loving assistance. Next, I reveal what it is like to meet God and realize that we are One.
God also asked me to help heal the Sonship, and in the third portion of the book I discuss the multiple ways that His love flowed through me into those that needed it. Finally, in closing, I have given suggestions about what worked for me. In this small book, I have included several poems, letters to friends, and examples of Christ talking with me and guiding me through different scenarios. But the main point that I am making in this book is how much God loves us and is waiting for us to wake up!