Angels Walk Here
As I enter into deep meditation, a warm blanket of peace covers my mind and all is quiet within me. I can now hear the voice of God calling me home. As I walk towards this loving voice, I start to see the dawn of Heaven off in the horizon of my thoughts. With joy in my heart, I come to the doorway of Heaven. With only a breath, I cross over the threshold into the eternal light of Love. I am now free of my body and my thoughts of separation. Angels walk here and I am now one. I am a thought of love, one with all of my brothers and all that I see. Into this vastness of light and love, God welcomes me home and gently embraces all of us as one. I am no longer blind but can see with the light of Christ that my dreams were nothing and I soon forget them. I am awake now, in this holy instant remembering my true home. Eternally safe and at peace. I am at home walking with angels in the light of our Father’s love.
I invite you up here to walk with me in this light, here with angels and here, with God. Still your restless mind, close your eyes and listen for God’s gentle voice calling you home. The way is as easy as your breathing. Relax and let it flow. You too will be guided home into our Father’s loving arms and His loving heart.
Peace, be still and know that we are all one in His eternal light of love and at home, here, where angels walk.